active to passive voice imperative sentences in hindi

हेलो दोस्तों यह आर्टिकल active to passive voice imperative sentences in hindi में दिया जा रहा है जिसकी वजह से हिंदी मीडियम में पढ़ने वाले छात्रों को किसी प्रकार की कोई भाषा की दिक्कत ना हो। इंग्लिश सीखने की चाहत रखने वाला हिंदी मीडियम का बच्चा भी अच्छी प्रकार से इंग्लिश सीख सकते हैं। यदि आप Active to passive voice tense changing rules जानना चाहते हैं तो click kare active to passive voice ke rules

Imperative sentence kya hai

Imperative sentence :-  imperative sentence वे sentences होते हैं जो  verb से शुरू होते हैं

Structure of imperative sentence:- 

Verb+object+other words

Imperative sentence के active voice को हम तीन भाग में बांटेंगे


(1) :- With objects

  •  (A)- Verb+Object.
  • (P)- Let +(sub) obj+ be+ V³.


Active– Call the police.

  • Passive– Let the police be called.
  • Active– Post the later.
  • Passive– Let the letter be posted.
  • Active– Shut the door.
  • Passive– Let the door be shut.
  • Active– Leave the room.
  • Passive– Let the room be left.
  • Active– Wash the car.
  • Passive– Let the car be washed.
  • Active– Repair the window.
  • Passive– Let the window be repaired.

Negative sentences 

Let+(sub) obj+not be+V³+ other words.

  • Active– Don’t insult the poor.
  • Passive– Let the poor not be insulted.
  • Active– Don’t touch the naked wire.
  • Passive– Let the naked wire not be touched.
  • Active– Don’t pluck the mangoes.
  • Passive– let the mango not be plucked.

आजकल कंपटीशन वाले पेपरों में imperative sentence का negative passive voice कुछ इस प्रकार देखने को मिल रहा है यह प्रश्न कंपटीशन से लिया गया है।

  • Active- Don’t+V¹+Obj.
  • Passive- Let+not+Obj+be+V³


  • Active– Don’t call the police.
  • Passive– Let not the police be called.
  • Active– Don’t mind his insulting word.
  • Passive– Let not his insulting word be mminded.

Note Let से बनने वाले passive voice को हम इस प्रकार भी बना सकते हैं जो नीचे दिया जा रहा है। क्योंकि कंपटीशन वाले पेपरों में अब ज्यादातर Let से ही बना हुआ उदाहरण देखने को मिल रहा है। अब जो उदाहरण नीचे दिया जाएगा वह पुराना मेथड है।

  • Active– V¹+Object.
  • Passive– you are+ ordered/requested/advised/Forbidden/ not to+ To+V¹+same words.


  • Active– Spread the clothes in sunlight and don’t wash anything else
  • Passive – you are ordered to spread the clothes in sunlight and not to wash anything else.
  • Active – Help other but do not expect anything in return.
  • Passive – you are advised to help other but not to expect anything in return
  • Active – Don’t run after money and than you will see, money running after you.
  • Passive – you are forbidden to run after money and than you will see, money running after you.
  • Active – March on till it is dark.
  • Passive – you are ordered to March on till it is dark.
  • Active –  Take rest and medicine and do not eat junk food.
  • Passive – you are advised to take rest and medicine and not to eat junk medicine.
  • Active – Don’t do anymore work until you have had a rest.
  • Passive– you are forbidden to do anymore work until you have had a rest
  • Active– Don’t ask anything to the senior.
  • Passive – you are forbidden to ask anything to the senior.

Moral suggestion

यदि imperative sentence के active voice में advice का बोध होता है तो passive voice को कुछ इस प्रकार से बदलते हैं।

Main word(sub) + should +be + V³.

  • Active– Help the helpless.
  • Passive– The helpless should be helped.
  • Active– Love your country.
  • Passive– your country should be loved.
  • Active– Don’t insult the poor.
  • Passive– the poor should not be insulted.
  • Active– Respect your elders.
  • Passive– your elders should be respected.
  • Active– Love your neighbours.
  • Passive– your neighbours should be loved.

यदि imperative sentences please or kindly से शुरू हो या last हो तो passive voice में please or kindly को हटा दिया जाता हैं।


  • Active– Please give me a book.
  • Passive– You are requested to give me a book.
  • Active– Kindly post this later.
  • Passive– You are requested to post this later.
  • Active– Take your seat please.
  • Passive– You are requested to take your seat.
  • Active– Please sit down.
  • Passive– You are requested to sit down.

यदि imperative sentences Let से शुरू हो तो passive voice में निम्न रूल फॉलो होगा।

  • Active- Let+indirect object+V¹+Direct object
  • Passive- Let + Direct object + be + V³ + by +indirect object.


  • Active– Let me do this work.
  • Passive– Let this work be done by me.
  • Active– Let her sing a song.
  • Passive– Let a song be sung by her.
  • Active– Let us discuss the matter.
  • Passive– let the matter be discussed.

इन्हें भी पढ़ें

    1. Distributive pronoun
    2. Direct speech to Indirect Speech 
    3. Active to passive voices rules
    4. Personal pronoun
    5. Conjunction
    6. Coordinating conjunction
    7. Verb
    8. Auxiliary verb
    9. Modal auxiliary verb
    10. Proposition
    11. Top 100 question of Preposition
    12. Adjective
    13. Adverb
    14. Subject verb agreement
    15. Noun
    16. Abstracts noun
    17. Pronoun
    18. Gender
    19. Singular to plural rules
    20. Case in English grammar
    21. Tense
    22.  Present continuous tense
    23. Present perfect tense
    24. Present perfect continuous tense
    25. Article A An The का प्रयोग
    26. Article किसे कहते हैं?
    27. Reflexive pronoun


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