Direct to indirect special rules.

यदि आप अभी तक बेसिक रूल्स नहीं पढ़े हैं तो कृपया लिंक पर क्लिक करें

Direct to indirect special rules| Direct se Indirect  important rules

Reported speech (inverted commas) में assertive interrogative imperative optative exclamatory sentences का प्रयोग होने पर कम से कुछ खास प्रकार के रूल को फॉलो करना होता है। एक ही प्रकार के नियमों का पालन करने से Direct Speech से Indirect Speech में बदलने में गलती हो सकती है। इसी गलती से बचने के लिए इसका अध्ययन करना आवश्यक है।

Assertive sentence के special rules

यदि Reported speech या inverted commas के अंदर assertive sentence का प्रयोग हो तो उसे indirect speech में बदलने के निम्न नियम हैं- –

  1. Reporting verbs say to, says to, said to को क्रमश: tell, tells, told में बदल दिया जाता हैं। यदि केवल say, says, या said हो तो इसे tell, tells, told में नहीं बदला जाता हैं। 
  2. tell, tells, told transitive verbs हैं इसलिए इनके साथ to का प्रयोग 

नहीं होता है।

Inverted commas के स्थान पर that का प्रयोग करते हैं।

  1. say, says, या said के बाद object के पहले to का प्रयोग निश्चित रूप से होता हैं। 
  •  Nilu said me that she liked that man (×)
  • Nilu said to me that she liked that man (✓)


Direct speech  Indirect speech 
My friend says to him, ” you are not a wise man”. My friend tells him that he is not a wise man
She says, ” I shall write a letter”. She says that she will write a letter.
Meena says to me, ” your brother is not present”. Meena tell me that my brother is not present.
They say, ” we are reading novels”. They say that they are reading novels.
Sita will say to me, “I want to buy an item of gold”. Sita will tell me that she want to buy an item of gold.
Hardik Pandya said, ” I can buy a Tesla car”. Hardik Pandya said that he could buy a Tesla car.
Sonu said to Monu, ” you went to the market yesterday”. Sonu told Monu that he had gone to market the day before.
My friend said, ” I have a headache”. My friend said that he had a headache.
Sit koa said, ” I am reading science”. Sita said that she was reading science.
You said to him,” I am going to swimming”. You told him that you you were going to swimming.

Assertive sentences के Exception 

Reporting verb past tense में हों तथा Reported speech (inverted commas के अन्दर वाले शब्द) मे Habitual or universal truth, Principle (सिद्धांत), Proverb(लोकोक्ति) का प्रयोग हो तो Indirect Speech बनाते समय tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होगा।


Direct speech  Indirect speech 
Mother said, “Honesty is the best policy”. Mother said that honesty is the best policy.
The Guru said,” work is worship”. The Guru said that work is worship.
She said,” The sun rise in the East”. She said that the sunrise in the East.
The teacher said,” Two and Two Makes four”. The teacher said that Two and Two Makes four.
He remarked,”A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools”. He remarked that a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.
The teachers said to the students,” A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. The teacher told the students that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
My father said,”All that glitters is not gold.” My father said that all that glitters is not gold.
He said,” Time and tide wait for no man.” He said that time and tide wait for no man.
He said,” We are mortal”. He said that we are mortal.

Important rules 

Reported speech में Must का प्रयोग हो तथा Must से नैतिक कर्तव्य, जिम्मेदारी, नियम, सिद्धांत आदि का बोध हो तो Indirect speech में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता हैं। Example –

Direct speech  Indirect speech 
He said,” one must do one’s duty”. He said that one must do one’s duty.
He said,” we must love our country”. He said that we must love our country.
She said,” we must respect our elders”. She said that we must respect our elders.
They said,” Students must respect their teachers”. They said that student respect their teachers.
She said, “we must over parents”. He said that we must gobe our parents.

Reported speech में संबोधन के रूप में किसी noun का प्रयोग हो तो, indirect speech में उस noun को reporting verb का Object के रूप में लिखना चाहिए।

Direct speech  Indirect special 
She said,” you are foolish Sohan”. She told Sohan that he was foolish.
Sita said,” Munna, I want to help you”. Sita told Munna that she wanted to help him.
Shital said,” I love you very much Nitish”. Sheetal told Nitesh that she loved him very much.
Gauri said,” Ram, you are speaking the truth”. Gauri told Ram that he was speaking the truth.
Sameer said,” you are an idiot girl, monalika”. Sameer told monalika that she was an idiot girl.

इन्हें भी पढ

  1. pronoun
  2. Direct speech to Indirect speech 
  3. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. Active to passive voice
  5. Conjunction
  6. Coordinating conjunction
  7. Subordinating conjunction
  8. Verb
  9. Auxiliary verb
  10. Modal auxiliary verb
  11. Proposition
  12. Adjective
  13. Subject verb agreement
  14. Noun
  15. Pronoun
  16. personal pronoun का प्रयोग
  17. Gender
  18. Singular to plural rules
  19. Case in English grammar
  20. Tense
  21.  Present continuous tense
  22. Present perfect tense
  23. Present perfect continuous tense
  24. Article A An The का प्रयाग
  25. Article किसे कहते हैं?

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