Interrogative sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलने के नियम

Interrogative sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलने के नियम |Interrogative sentences Narration में – Narration interrogative sentences  

Inverted commas के अंदर Yes-No questions का प्रयोग हो,  तो उसे Indirect speech में निम्न प्रकार से बदला जाता है – 


यदि Direct speech में तो Indirect speech में परिवर्तन रूप निम्न
Say / Say to Ask / Demand / Enquire
Says / says to Asks / demands / enquires
Said / Said to Asked / demanded / enquired 

Rules:-2 Inverted commas को हटाकर if / whether का प्रयोग किया जाता हैं। उसके बाद बाकी को इंटरव्यू दोनों बनाकर साधारण वाक्य मैं बदल कर सामान्य नियम फॉलो करते हैं। 

Note:- जब हम asked के बजाएं enquired का प्रयोग करते हैं तो उसके साथ Of preposition का प्रयोग किया जाता है।  

Direct speech:-  He said to me,”Are you a student?”

Indirect speech:- He enquired of me if/whether I was a student.

Narration Examples of interrogative sentence

Direct speech Indirect speech
He said to me,” Are you a student?” He asked me if/whether I was a student.
Sita said to Ram,” Have you a mobile phone?” Sita asked Ram if/whether he had a mobile phone.
He said,” Were you absent there?” He asked if/whether he had been absent there.
Sita said to Raman,” Do you love me?” Sita asked Raman if/whether he loved her.
Shubham said to me,” Did you teach my sister?” Shubham asked me if/whether I had taught his sister.
He said to us,” Are you going away today?” He asked us if/whether we were going away that day.
Sneha said to him,” Do you play cricket?” Sneha asked him if/whether he played cricket.
Ajit said to Suresh,” Do you know the way?” Ajit asked Suresh if/whether he knew the way.
Ranjeet said to me,” Can you meet me tomorrow at Gorakhpur junction?” Ranjeet asked me if/whether I could meet him the next day at Gorakhpur junction.

यदि Reporting speech Question Word (Wh-type) से शुरू हो तो indirect speech में निम्न परिर्वतन होता हैं।

  1. Reporting verb के sentence को Tense के अनुसार ask / asks / asked , enquire / enquires / enquired, demand / demand / demanded, want to know / wants to know / wanted to know में बदल देते हैं।
  2. Inverted commas को हटाकर Question Word को ही connecting word के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता हैं। 
  3. उसके बाद वाक्य को साधारण वाक्य में बदलकर सामान्य नियम को फॉलो करते हैं। 

Narration example of interrogative Wh-type sentences

Direct speech  Indirect speech 
I said to my wife,” What are you doing today?” I asked my wife what she was doing that day. / I enquired of my wife what she was doing that day
He said to me,” When will you return?” He asked me when I would return.
The counselor said to me,” Whom do you want to meet in the office?” The counselor asked me whom I wanted to meet in the office.
The teacher said to me,” How old are you?” The teacher asked me how old I was.
He said to Kranti,”Why were you absent yesterday?” He asked Kranti why he had been absent the previous day.
He said to me,” What is your name?” He enquiry of me what my name was.
Sunil said to me,”What do you want?” Sunil asked me what I wanted.
Shweta said to me ,”Who are you?” Shweta asked me who I was.
She said,” Who went there?” She asked who had gone there.
I asked,” What happened?” I asked what had happened.
I said to her,” Which class do you read?” I enquired of which class she read in.
I said to him,” Why did you insult my father?” I asked him why he had insulted my father.
The inspector said to the headmaster,” How many teachers are there in your school?” The inspector ask to the headmaster how many teachers there were in his school.
Prince said to her mother,” How are you?” Prince asked her mother how She was.

Interrogative – Negative sentences narration Examples

Direct speech  Indirect speech 
She said to me,” Did you not write me a letter?” She asked me if whether I had not written her a letter.
He said to me,” How do you not know me?” He asked me how I did not know him.
The Prince said to the princess,” Why did you not come at home?” The Prince asked the princess why she had not come at home.
Khushi said to her husband,” Why do you not bring a watch for me?” Khushi asked her husband why he did not bring a watch for her.

Question tag का Narration 

यदि reported speech में assertive sentence + (,) + Question tag का प्रयोग हो तो उसे indirect speech में बदलते समय question tag को छोड़ देते हैं तथा inverted commas को हटा कर if / whether का प्रयोग करते हैं उसके बाद सामान्य नियम को फॉलो करते हैं।

Direct speech Indirect speech
She said to me,” You know me, don’t you?” She asked me if I knew her.
Pratibha said to me,” You will help me, won’t you?” Pratibha ask me if I would help her.
Nikesh said to me,” You like sweets, don’t you?” Nikesh asked me if I liked sweets.
Ashok said to Suresh,” You didn’t see her last night, did you?” Ashok asked Suresh if he had not seen her the previous night.
He said to me,” You are poor, aren’t you?” He asked me if I was poor.

यदि किसी प्रश्न का उत्तर Yes  / No में दिया गया हो तो उसे निम्न प्रकार से परिवर्तन करते हैं 

Direct speech:- He said to me,” Did you write a letter?” I said, “yes”.

Indirect speech:- He asked me if I had written a letter. I replied in the affirmative / I said that I had.

Direct speech:- she said to me,” Can you do this work?” I said, “No”.

Indirect speech:- she asked me if I could do that work I reply in the negative / I said I could not.

Reporting verb past tense में तथा reported speech में shall I ? तथा shall we? का प्रयोग हो और उसमें प्रार्थना के भाव का बोध हो तो  shall को should बदल देते हैं।

Direct speech:- My younger brother said to me,” Shall I go to the cinema?”

Indirect speech:- My younger brother asked me if he should go to the cinema.

इन्हें भी पढ़ें:-

  1. pronoun
  2. Direct speech to Indirect speech 
  3. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. Active to passive voice
  5. Conjunction
  6. Coordinating conjunction
  7. Subordinating conjunction
  8. Verb
  9. Auxiliary verb
  10. Modal auxiliary verb
  11. Proposition
  12. Adjective
  13. Subject verb agreement
  14. Noun
  15. Pronoun
  16. personal pronoun का प्रयोग
  17. Gender
  18. Singular to plural rules
  19. Case in English grammar
  20. Tense
  21.  Present continuous tense
  22. Present perfect tense
  23. Present perfect continuous tense
  24. Article A An The का प्रयाग
  25. Article किसे कहते हैं?

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